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What We Can Do for You
Which trap type is best for my application?1. Steam Traps for Drip Applications: "Drip Traps" 2. Steam Traps for Process Applications: "Heat Exchanger, Coil, Storage Tank, Unit Heaters" 3. Once you've selected the proper technology click here to select model number
How to troubleshoot a pilot-operated prv2. Click here for a pdf of the installation, operation, and maintenance manual. Troubleshooting begins on page 10.
How do I optimize and organize my existing system?1. Start by contacting Systecore for a no cost soft audit and training to better understand expectations. 2. Gather existing data: - Install flow meters to determine a baseline of useage (Contact us for recommendations) - Conduct a steam trap survey to inventory, tag, and ensure functionality (Let us do this for you) - Inspect valves, pumps, fittings, and insulation for proper operation and create a list. - Conduct a condensate audit if necessary. - Check with local utilities for rebates and incentives. 3. Prepare a best practices standarization plan for equipment and installation. - This is included in the steam trap survey results at no additional charge. 4. Scope projects to determine specific application, material, and piping requirements. 5. Schedule and complete repair work with Systecore Supervision. 6. Document all changes and upgrades. 7. Compare useage data from flow meters. 8. Schedule the next system review.
How to start up a pilot-operated prv?1. Click here to review the installation, operation, and maintenance manual. Start up procedure is on page 5.
How can I test my own steam trap to ensure proper operation?1. Utilize temperature to ensure the trap is "live". Steam must be on to test a trap. 2. If all valves are open, steam is on, the process is calling for steam, and the trap is cold then it has failed in the closed position and should be replaced immediately. Please ensure the trap selected is proper for the application before replacing. 3. If the temperature of the trap is significantly warmer than ambient temperature it is not failed closed and requires additional inspection: - We recommend utilizing an ultrasonic leak detection tool, let us know if you need to know where to purchase one. - Inverted bucket and thermodynamic steam traps are easier to test as they have an on/off cycle. Just listen to the trap long enough to ensure it cycles open/closed. - Float & Thermostatic, balanced pressure, and bi-metallic are more difficult. You will need to listen to the velocity sounds. Please call to discuss until we can put a video together.
How to size and select a pilot operated prv?1. Determine required outlet steam pressure and flow requirement in lbs/hr (safety factors are normally not needed). 2. If the steam pressure reduction is greater than 10:1 two valves in series may be required please contact us for review and support. 3. If the steam flow turndown required is greater than 10:1 two valves in parallel may be required please contact us for review and support. 4. Click here to utilize the Watson McDaniel sizing software in the bottom left of the screen. Please note every main valve requires a pilot which is a separate component. 5. Watch the following video to impliment best piping practices for a steam prv station. 6. If a saftey relief valve is required it must be able to handle the maximum capacity of the valve(s) at the maximum differential between the upstream pressure and relief valve set point. 7. Note: Properly piped systems should have different inlet and outlet pipe sizes due to the increased specific volume of steam at lower pressures.
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